Multi Dog Households
But that lovely dream can very quickly turn into a living nightmare when the relationship breaks down between the dogs, or if there never was a great relationship to start with and with every day that passes it just gets worse.
Is this happening in your house?
Do you find that you’re having to intervene and you’re using more restrictions to prevent conflict between them?
Or perhaps your dogs do get on well but you struggle to manage them when they are together?
Do you find that a lot of the household arguments are due to the dogs behaviour?

As individuals, your dogs existing training and behaviour issues may be very manageable, but when they are together, problems can be magnified and sometimes new ones can come out of nowhere!

Managing multi dog households
Each multi-dog household is unique, and require a holistic approach, considering everyones needs.
For your dogs:
Their personality, breed type, genetics, mental health, physical health, regular routine, previously learned behaviour and associations, and their likes and dislikes.
For you and the other humans in your household:
Your previous associations, your current understanding of what is happening and why, your mental and physical health, your lifestyle, the goals you have and your ability to consistently build towards them are all important factors to gain long lasting success.
Get help today
All behaviour issues are helped via my 8 week behaviour support program.
Customised for you and your dog’s unique needs and challenges, every program is tailor-made to ensure individualised solutions. No two programs are alike because no two dogs share the exact same traits and requirements!

Introducing Ellie
Professional and fully qualified with the APDT and ABTC, the UK's leading dog training and behaviour associations.
Ellie has transformed many owners and families lives with her dog training and behaviour support package.
The 8 week program is tailor-made for you, your dog and the problems you have, no two programs are the same, because no two dogs are the same!
Case study
“The programme has been a game changer for us and we cannot thank or recommend Ellie enough.”

We are a multi-dog household with two much older dogs and a 15 month old puppy.
We had navigated initial puppyhood pretty well (despite the demands of integration and a very intelligent puppy) We were not new to owning dogs or keeping up to date with good training/dog care know-how, – but as the puppy hit adolescence and she was also spayed – the dynamics in the household (ours and the dogs) fell apart quickly and dramatically.
We had sudden issues with aggression and resource guarding amongst the dogs triggered by the puppy’s behaviour.
There was also a significant escalation in bullying and general poor behaviour and ignoring of established commands. This continued to escalate and culminated in me getting badly bitten (accidentally) whilst intervening to separate an aggressive episode.
I completely lost my confidence and did not know how to recover everyone’s equilibrium and training. I didn’t want to do anything that would make the situation deteriorate further. It was very clear to me that I did not have the skill set to rectify this situation.
We searched for behaviour help and found Ellie.
From our initial conversation, I immediately felt at ease and that we had made the right choice. She was open and willing to give her time and support in the initial consultation conversation, which was a lifeline to us all.
She started the 8 week support programme with us and used media to ensure that that support was available almost all the time. It was far more of herself, and a lifeline than I imagined we would both have and need.
We were able to give real-time updates to enable us to tailor our approach to each situation and prevent issues from occurring.
Ellie was very much led by what we felt needed to happen in our household and what we wanted for our dogs. She gave us tools and tips to achieve that – very much personalised care. We did both home visits/training and outdoor work.
She built both the families and all the dogs in my household’s confidence to enable everyone to relax and have their needs met.
The programme has been a game changer for us and we cannot thank or recommend Ellie enough.